2.1 C
luni, ianuarie 13, 2025
AcasăAnalizeTrump poate lovi cu autoturismele germane în Italia

Trump poate lovi cu autoturismele germane în Italia


Premierul italian demisionar Giuseppe Conte a avertizat duminică în cadrul summitului G7 de la Biarritz (sud-vestul Franţei) cu privire la pericolele protecţionismului şi a cerut SUA să nu aplice ameninţarea de a impune tarife la autoturismele germane, relatează Reuters.

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DAY 57 / MARCH 17: The first face-to-face meeting between President Trump and German Chancellor Angela Merkel started awkwardly and ended even more oddly, with a quip by Trump about wiretapping that left the German leader visibly bewildered. The two leaders share different views on trade, Russia and immigration, leading to some uncomfortable moments at a joint news conference in which they took pains to downplay differences that were hard to mask. Merkel began her remarks at the news conference by saying it was better to speak to each other than about each other. Trump pressed Merkel for Germany to meet NATO’s military spending target, and Merkel reiterated her country’s commitment to the 2 percent military spending goal. Trump also stood by unproven claims that the Obama administration tapped his phones, and expressed solidarity with a surprised Merkel, whose government charged that the United States in 2013 may have monitored Merkel’s mobile phone. “As far as wiretapping, I guess, by this past administration, at least we have something in common perhaps,” Trump said to Merkel, who looked bewildered as she stared back at him from her podium. REUTERS/Jonathan Ernst

”Această măsură ar avea un impact puternic asupra sistemului italian, având în vedere modul în care industria noastră auto este integrată cu cea Germaniei”, a spus Conte liderilor G7, potrivit unui oficial italian prezent la discuţii.

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La reuniunea la nivel înalt a G7 (format din Canada, Franţa, Germania, Italia, Japonia, Regatul Unit şi Statele Unite), care se încheie luni, mai iau parte cancelarul german Angela Merkel, premierul britanic Boris Johnson, preşedintele american Donald Trump, premierul canadian Justin Trudeau şi premierul nipon Shinzo Abe.

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